Made it!

  • Chris met up with me in Cambridge city, and we headed east towards Ohio!
  • On our way out of town, we saw a pretty cool model railroad setup, and talked to one of the guys who helped maintain it
  • In Richmond, IN we got chased by a pack of 10-15 dogs. When a few of them started nipping at my panniers and sandals, I employed the “squirt them in the face with my water bottle” tactic to great success
  • We had a pretty easy ride to our brother Michael’s place outside of Dayton – lots of gentle rolling hills through country backgrounds, very little traffic
  • Picked up the bike trail network outside of Dayton and started seeing a ton of other cyclists
  • Stayed at a cool trailside campsite in London, and met another eastbound tourist! Mike left San Francisco a few weeks before I started, and is heading to Long Island! He’s riding solo at the spry young age of 61! We rode with him for a good amount, swapping stories
  • Had a pretty smooth ride into Westerville to meet up with our aunt and uncle. We made plans to come back in a few weeks to ride the last final TOSRV (Tour of the Scioto River valley) ride – Uncle Jim has been doing that ride for over thirty years!
  • Chris had been plagued by flats, so he picked up some beefier tires. Then, the next morning, it was my turn to have flat tire woes: two tube swaps before we made it half a block!
  • More great riding on the Ohio to Erie trail – had savory and sweet kolache for second breakfast
  • Camped outside of Millersburg at a campsite that was up (and down) a huge, steep gravel hill – too steep even for my touring bike to get traction, so we had to end the long day with a bit of hike a bike
  • Had lunch on the final day at the Dutch kitchen – all you can eat buffet with tons of desserts!
  • More great trail and backroads riding to get us to our great-nieces birthday party – ice cream cake!
  • The adventure will continue at the end of October – Alice and I will be riding from Akron to DC via Shenandoah!

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