
Greg and Megan were talking on the phone, as was their normal habit:

Do you want to ride bikes?
Yes. Can we ride to Canada?

As a plot to further delay either one of them from getting a job, they decided to gallop off into the sunset astride a set of steel ponies, one named Trigger and one named Twiggy. The hope upon hope is that they make it to Victoria Island, and as such save the planet from its imminent destruction. Will they make it? Stay tuned to their Travelogue in order to find out. Help them out by posting comments to their logs. And above all- never lose hope.

One thought on “Introduction”

  1. Greg & Andrew, A meeting ‘by chance’ turned into a lovely Summer evening on our deck sharing food and conversation that was non-stop.
    It was good to meet you both.
    Save Travels!
    Cis & Skip Clark of Caliente (Piute Meadows), CA

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