dobry den internet

Hey y’all,

Me and Tasha and Greg just stopped by an internet cafe to make sure that everything’s going well in the cyber world.

 Greg and I made it to Prague after a very long day and a half of travelling. We decided to go the cheap and indirect route to Praha and took some local trains through Germany and the Czech Republic. All the towns we went through were impossibly cute! Our bikes made it just fime to Munich. We put them together in the airport and took them on the train with us, no problems. US Air lost my pannier (luckily I only checked one), but they claim they’ll deliver it to Tasha’s house. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

 It’s been really exciting to travel around this place that’s new to us. A lot of people speak English, but we’re trying to interact with our minimal knowledge of Czech. We’ve seen lots of cool things, like giant Babylonian clocks, rad desserts, and lots of cobblestone streets.

 Alright, times up!

More to come.
