Round 2!

Sarah,max,manjula,Sasha,and I all made it to San Luis Obispo fine. We had great weather down the coast, mostly sunny, cool, and mostly great tail winds. Manjula’s friends Sara and Pedro let us camp in their backyard in SLO, which was fun and convenient. Last night we spent wandering around downtown pretending we fit in with all the partying 22 year olds. I was also introduced to froyo by the ounce. Unfortunately, those guys all needed to head north. Now i’m on the train – I should meet up with Rai Sue in about 20 minutes in LA, where we’ll take the train our to Flagstaff – we get in at like 4 am! I just uploaded a bunch of photos, so check out the gallery. See y’all in Arizona!

One thought on “Round 2!”

  1. Well, we straggled safely back to the homestead through golden valleys on bouncey buses. Now the ponies are happily stabled and the meals seem much too small.

    Please don’t fall into the Grand Canyon, and mind those stray bullets whilst camping on BLM land!

    Thanks for a rad week. May you ride with Pie!


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