Wow – long time no post. Here’s what’s been going on: i ended up hopping on the commuter rail from provo to ogden to avoid riding through miles of strip mall around salt lake city. From there, i began a stretch where i was only going through one town a day – lots of lonely country. Not a whole lot to report, except that a headwind has been my constant companion.
Pierre made it to twin falls with no problems. We quickly assembled his bike, grabbed some food, and were off! We camped the first night at some pretty sweet hot springs, the second night within site of some huge sand dunes, and last night in front of the sheriff’s office!
It’s been some really great riding since twin falls, changing back and forth between farmland and desert depending on the irritation (there are some really elaborate irritation systems here). We should make it to Oregon either tonight or tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy the wonderful Oregon scenery! <3