Hey it’s Casey posting, hooray! You might remember me from the “about me” section, or the previous post. Greg and I got off to a good start this morning, accomplishing the goal of 20 miles to Placerville before noon. Unfortunately my vegan superpowers (and sunscreen) didn’t protect me from getting a blistering sunburn. So I soon found myself on the side of the road with a towel draped over my shoulders trying to change out of my sporty bra shirt thing and into a regular t shirt without flashing any of the upstanding residents Rescue, CA. If I wasn’t so hot and exhausted I would try and come up with a pun about needing to be rescued, but I am just too tired. We also saw a fun sign about the second amendment that we were pretty sure had some grammatical errors, but who needs grammar when you have guns! Now we are resting in the vegan oasis of Placerville Natural Foods Co-op and Greg is getting ready to eat an entire pint of ice cream. Yay bike touring!