I made it to California!

Oakland, CA

Okay folks, we’ve now reached the Pacific coast, and returned to the Beaver State. Megan has upped her number of flats to 8, while I remain at three – we picked up new spare tubes and patch kits in Astoria, as we used our last patch this morning!
Once again, we don’t have time for a proper update, as we are filling an absentee’s computer reservation. We’re having a great time, the rain has finally stopped (it rained nearly every day since we left Seattle until yesterday). We are continuing to find the most mosquito-infested campsites this side of the rockies, and this morning we found our tent and gear host to a gathering of slugs. We’re meeting lots of quirky people (such as a guy at the laundromat who’s been traveling for 10 years, or the husband and wife team of bike shop owners/locksmiths.)
From here on out, our route is easy – keep the ocean to our starboard side, and, as Mike Bush once said, keep the rubber side down. I always like going south – somehow it feels as if I’m going downhill.

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