So it begins….

Ok – We’re here in Seattle, hangin’ out at Vann & Liz’s. Vann and Maxwell just took off to catch a World Cup game at the pub ’round the corner, leaving Megan and I to case the joint. I have to say, we’re not exactly as prepared as we ought to be….the last week has been pretty hectic. I worked 10 hours on friday trying to wrap up the project I’ve been working on – 10 hours with a killer hangover. I was up till 3am scrambling to get stuff together, and Megan didn’t go to bed much earlier. We got up late to pick up the car, making our craigslist traveler wait at BART. Anyway, we pretty much threw everything we could find in the back of the car, and took off for the 12 hour drive to Seattle – we’ll keep you posted on all the things we left behind. First on the list appears to be the bicycle map of Washington. This shouldn’t be a problem, since the first leg is pretty much a recap of last year’s journey out of Seattle, and then we hook up with the Adventure Cycling route, for which we have better maps.

Vann’s been a most gracious host – gave me a ride back from dropping off the rental, shipping our bike rack back home for me, filling my dreams with dancing sugar-plums. Unfortunately, Vann and Maxwell failed to inform me they were starting a mustache party, and i chickened out on the rad biker-stache that paul gave me. Megan wishes me to inform you all that Vann and Liz live above a vegan cafe that makes a pretty amazing blue-corn blueberry pancake – you should check it out. Allright – we’ve got to pick up a few last-minute items from the store (Dr. Bronner’s all-are-ONE!), pack up the bikes, and we’ll be off on the road!

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