Yous better check yourself before yous wreck yourself

6/30 Thursday

  • Hot riding
  • Beautiful rolling countryside down to lake – reminded me of the bodensee in Germany
  • Pub crawl in port wing
  • Local drunks are astonished and amused by the dumb things done by people on a show called ‘dumbest things done by people’
  • Got to cornucopia aka corny just in time for weekly town live music party
  • Shout-out to the whitecaps – men our age playing music for boomers
  • Watched local witch dance with abandon
  • Zach’s drawers were rescued by good samaritans with bad judgement
  • Camped at amazing spot 20 ft from Lakeshore
  • Took first dip in the lake – 5 stars

7/1 Friday

  • Bayfield was busy with tourists
  • Great bike shop right outside of town – unfortunately the attached brewery was not open yet
  • Greg nearly experienced death-by-hammock
  • Great little coffeeshop in Washburn
  • Took another dip in the lake, taking care not to disturb any fortnight birthday cakes
  • Great bike trail through Ashland
  • Camped at frontier campground/bar/grill/gas station
  • Had post shower nightcap at bar, but any conversation was inhibited by gambling machines

7/2 saturday

  • Rode to cute Finnish museum – learned that the word ‘sisu’ is only for Finns
  • Learned that the next town, hurley, used to be known as a wretched hive of scum and villainy
  • Picked up some Finnish salty licorice – yum
  • We just barely missed embarking on a life of sin in Hurley, thanks to the bike path
  • Crossed into Michigan – again, no sign
  • Began amazing 20 miles long bike path in ironwood
  • Met loquacious local who has mastered the art of comedic indirection. Met him several times on the trail – he cannot drive for medical reasons, so the trail is his lifeline. He’s never left the area, and is a local celebrity – he truly is ironwoods ambassador. And, as Randall would say, there’s some humor in that, if you think about it
  • Stopped at visitor center in Wakefield – friendly volunteer advised us that ‘da yoopers’ are not appropriate music for Sunday school
  • At pizza pub, met previous owner, who used the proceeds from selling the bar to buy a house down the street from where she grew up
  • The bar’s new owner is still figuring out what kind of wine “piñot” is
  • Great ride through forest to campground on the lake – gorgeous sunset was observed.
  • Weren’t even bothered by the outhouses that were just upwind

7/3 Sunday

  • Another great ride through the forest
  • Another great swim in the lake
  • Another mediocre square-cut pizza
  • Met tandem cyclists on a day ride – one reviewed our entire route, and gave ‘no opinions, only observations’
  • Had ice cream in Ontonagon before making a delicious curry at the very nice town campground
  • Another great lake sunset

7/4 Monday

  • Wet
  • Wet
  • We both woke up to find the waterproofing on our tents did not stand up to the rainstorm
  • Everything we own was wet and filthy, including our souls
  • Added 20 pounds of water weight to our bikes
  • Soggily dripped into Syl’s for breakfast – towels were provided
  • Zach procured ill fitting pvc hazmat suit from ace hardware, which would keep him wet, dry, hot, and cold simultaneously for the rest of the day
  • Rode through the rain all day – it was quite a slog
  • Disappointed that beer belly bob’s was closed, along with the rest of the town of Greenland
  • Greenland’s fourth of July festivities appeared to have been washed away
  • Made burgers at convenient pavilion in Laird township – 5 stars
  • Finally made it to Baraga, where we had a hot meal, but they were out of everything from a busy weekend, including humanity
  • Decided that, rather than set up our soaking wet gear in the rain, only so it could get more wet, to just stay at the hotel where we ate
  • Celebrated our nation’s birthday in the best way possible – watching Independence Day between commercials
  • Absolutely destroyed the bathroom trying to clean/dry our gear

One thought on “Yous better check yourself before yous wreck yourself”

  1. What great progress you two are making. Can’t wait to hear all the stories you have to share. Be safe and ride on…

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